A Call to Action for Food Donation Drive

About Dargah

Dargah Sharif of Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia, often simply referred to as Nizamuddin Dargah, is one of the most revered andhistorically signifi cant Sufi shrines in India.this dargah is dedicated to Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia, a revered Sufi saint and aprominent fi gure in the Chishti order of Sufi sm. The dargah is not just a religious site but also a cultural and spiritual hub thatdraws devotees, tourists, and scholars from all over the world.Historical Significance:The dargah was built in the 14th century, shortly after the death of Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia (1238-1325 AD). He was a highly respected Sufi saint known for his piety, wisdom, and his role in spreading Sufism in India.

Five Pillars Of islam

Fasting (Roza )






Hazrat Nizamuddin Dargah, in Delhi, is a revered Sufi shrine dedicated to Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya. It’s a spiritual center known for its mystic atmosphere and qawwalis.

Serving Humanity

The Origin of Tasawwuf

The origin of Tasawwuf, alsoknown as Sufism, can be tracedback to the early years of Islam,emerging as a response to thespiritual and ethical challengesfaced by early Muslims. Tasawwufrepresents the inner, mysticaldimension of Islam and focuseson cultivating a deep, personalrelationship with God

Tafakkur (Reflection)

Tafakkur, an Arabic term oftentranslated as “reflection” or“contemplation,” is apro foundand essential concept in Islamicspirituality and philosophy. Itinvolves deep, deliberatethinking and meditation onvarious aspects of life, theuniverse, and,most importantly,one’s relationship with God.Tafakkur is not a mereintellectual exercise but a…

Tassawuf In The Light Of Qur’an And Hadith

Tasawwuf, often referred to asSufism, is a mystical and spiritualdimension of Islam. It focuses onthe purification of the soul, thedevelopment of a deep andintimate connection with God(Allah), and the pursuit ofspiritual enlightenment. WhileTasawwuf has its own practicesand terminology, it is firmly…

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Winter Clothes & Blanket Distribution

or many individuals experiencing homelessness or living inimpoverished conditions, winter clothing and blankets are essential forsurvival during cold weather

Daily Food Distribution

Daily food distribution programs are on the frontlines in the battleagainst hunger. They ensure that individuals, especially those who arevulnerable or marginalized, receive regular meals to sustainthemselves and their families

Chadar / Cloth Sheet

Wrap them in warmth! Your donation of chadars/cloth sheets brings comfort to those in need. Join us in spreading love and shielding communities from the cold. Make a difference today.

School Recontruction

Support our school's transformation! Your generous donation fuels the reconstruction project, creating a vibrant and safe learning environment. Join us in shaping a brighter future for students. Together, we rebuild

Our Events

Upcoming Event



Introduction Seminar in Islamic Online University​

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Reading the Qur’an According to the Kalun Method

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World Scholars Meetup

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The Nizamuddin Dargah is aprominent and historic Sufi shrine located in Delhi, India.It is dedicated to HazratNizamuddin Auliya, a reveredSufi saint of the Chishti orderwho lived in the 13thcentury


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